Chiropractic Care

Life happens. We get sick. Stress comes from all directions. The nervous system is the master control, communicating to every organ and tissue in the human body. When the spine is out of alignment and left neglected the body starts to dysregulate resulting in unwanted symptoms. Using a precise analysis called Torque Release Technique we are able to locate the primary cause of spinal dysfunction. To correct these “subluxations” of the spine we utilize a few techniques to create a gentle non-invasive and effective adjustment. Most of the patients seen at our office are:

  • Prenatal/Postpartum

  • Pediatric

  • Athletes

  • Family Care

Recovery Room

Recovery is more important than the training load. We will only improve when our recovery matches or exceeds our training. As our recovery from daily stress improves so can our training load increase and the intensity by which we train. We firmly buy in to the literature of cold exposure, heat exposure, red light therapy and even massage. To support recovery we have an all-inclusive room that features:

  • Infrared Sauna

  • Cold Plunge Tub (as low as 39 degrees)

  • Red Light Therapy Tower

  • Normatech Recovery System

Neurofeedback & Brain Mapping

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive way to see how the brain performs in real-time. Through the completion of a brain map, weaknesses can be identified in different areas of the brain that impact memory, focus, executive function, physical problems, and more. The goal is to ultimately strengthen these areas, leading to improvements in neurological balance, restored health, and overall performance. Individuals who struggle with a diagnosis of autism, epilepsy, ADHD, PTSD, memory disorders, and many more, can benefit from Neurofeedback.

Functional Medicine & Nutrition

Proper nutrition is the foundation for good health. Functional medicine is a proactive and preventive approach to addressing your health. We begin with a patient centered approach, and incorporate functional lab testing, to identify the root cause of poor health and chronic disease. To support our patients seeking functional medicine and nutrition we offer the following services:

  • Personal Coaching

  • Lab Testing

  • Workshops

  • Supplementation & Detoxification Programs